Reprinting of any copyrighted illustrations and text (beyond the limits of fair use) requires written permission from the copyright holder. Permissions must be in order before your book can be typeset. With your manuscript, include any necessary letters of permission to reproduce quotations, artwork, tables, etc.
Permission is always required to reproduce a complete unit, such as an entire poem, chapter, table, map, photograph, or illustration. Note that the rules of fair use regarding copyrighted poetry and song lyrics are especially strict--it is advisable to seek permission to reproduce quotations of two or more lines--and that owners of song lyrics tend to charge a lot of money for reproduction, especially if the lyrics are used as epigraphs.
Consult your editor if you have any questions about which items require permission. Unless specified in the contract, it is the author's responsibility to pay any permissions fees.
A sample request for permission follows below.
I hereby request nonexclusive world rights in all languages and media to reprint the following material:
in all editions of my work:
to be published by Green Publishing House, LLC in the year __________, in an initial print edition of approximately _________ copies at an estimated price of ___________. Other editions in other media may follow. Credit will be given as you designate.
If you do not control the rights requested, please let me know to whom I should apply. Please use the release provided below, returning the original request form to me. A copy is enclosed for your files.
Permission to quote or reproduce is granted as stated above.
The credit line should read:
Signed:__________________________________ Date:________________